Grace Church has the Facilities for your Events!

What events might work well at Grace church?  Weddings, Birthday Celebrations, Anniversaries, General Social Gatherings, Conference meetings, Musical Performances, Catering use and More!  

See our Forms for facility use below and return to the church office.  Our fees are general and subject to change based upon details specific to your event.   All facility use applications are subject to approval of Board of Trustees and the mission and use goals of the church. Fees are based upon rooms needed, equipment needed, hours needed and calendar availability.  Rooms available include the sanctuary, the kitchen, fellowship hall, classrooms and an all purpose room which we call the Olewiler Room and our Auditorium with stage. Our Sanctuary, Fellowship Hall and our all purpose room also have sound systems. This is a non-smoking facility and alcohol is prohibited at all times. Questions?  Email our Church Office or call office at 717-763-7632.  

. Members fill out the Member Church/Room Use Application form.

. Non-Members fill out the Non-Member Church/Room Use Application form.

. To borrow tables and/or chairs fill out the Borrowing Church Property form

. If you would like to hold your wedding here fill out the Wedding Application Form